3D Organic Modeling is a set of techniques that will help you to create realistic objects in 3D, and working with CB Model Pro is like if you would be sculpting those objects in a soft material mass. With traditional image editing programs, create those types of objects is sometimes really difficult and takes a lot of time, but with this application, model an image and create 3D stunning pictures is a piece of cake.
To create a 3D image with CB Model Pro, you must start with a primitive surface. This can be one of the built-in primitives like a sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, sheet, or an imported custom primitive (CB Model Pro allows you to import custom primitives files with the extension *.OBJ from other programs). Once you have selected a primitive, then you can use one of the tools to model an object. Some of the useful and powerful tools are the following:
- Point Pull. With this tool you can drag in or out on a surface, change he deformation shape and direction.
- Flatten Tool. Select above, bellow or to the side of a surface and drag towards the surface to flatten it.
- Bend tool. Lets you to bend a selected surface.
- Neck tool. Lets you to pinch a surface vertically or horizontally.
Poke tool. Lets you to apply a spherical poke on a surface.
Definitely, if you want to free your imagination creating cool 3D images in an easy way, CB Model Pro is for you.
Important. You must to register in order to get a free license key after 15 days of using the application.